A Battery is an essential part of your car, and is often neglected. In modern computer controlled cars we often find good car batteries only last 2-4 years and should be replaced as part of your regular service maintenance...
At Shields, we only sell quality batteries that come with warranties and we also have fitting available.
We strongly suggest you update your battery every 3 years or at the very least at the first sign of trouble.
In the workshop we have a number of advanced testing tools that can quickly check your battery health and should be done as soon as you notice any of the following.
Car batteries use a chemical reation to generate electricity. When its cold this reation slows and the battery produces less electrical current. As cold Oil is also thicker, it is also harder to turn over. If this ever happens, turn off all accessories, heater fans, air conditioning etc, also poor hot water on the batter and try again.
Once you have it started, please call into the workshop as soon as possible and we can test the battery on site and replace if needed.
Although relatively rare, sometimes Lead acid car batteries will drop a cell. If this happens the battery will be completely dead and there is nothing that can be done except replace it. If this ever happens your best option is to get NRMA out to replace at your location.
Sometimes as batteries age the cells will swell and distort the battery case. When this happens it will often crack the external case and cause leaks. If this ever happens you you, you need to get a new battery as soon as possible. If you dont, it could split open at any stange and leave you stranded.